Airbags For The Elderly – What To Know Before You Buy!

Airbags For The Elderly – What To Know Before You Buy!


From the age of 60, people’s muscles start being weak, bones become frail, and they start developing sensory problems. Hence, they fall often, and that’s where inflatable airbags for the elderly come in.

When older people fall, they suffer serious injuries because of the frail situation of their bodies. As per studies, 33% of people aged 65 and above suffer serious falls each year.

These falls cause pain, agony and may very well change the trajectory of an individual’s life.

The most common effect of falls is hip fractures, as hips are the part of the body on which people land when they fall. Inflatable airbags serve the purpose of protecting elderly people from the effects of falling by cushioning them from the impact.

How do Inflatable Airbags for the Elderly Work?

Inflatable airbags use electronic systems & sensors to follow and analyze someone’s motion in real-time. Basically, they are a convergence of 3D motion sensors and cold gas inflators.

They have mechanisms to detect when a certain motion is not standard or balanced and react promptly to that kind of development. In essence, inflatable airbags work in much the same way as car airbags, only without explosion.

The sensors that inflatable airbags use to detect when the wearer is falling are twofold: an accelerometer and a gyroscope. A gyroscope is responsible for detecting both the velocity and the angle of the wearer’s falling.  

This information then drives the accelerometer to trigger the airbag, which then inflates in time to cushion the wearer from the impact of the fall and potential fractures.

Commonly, inflatable airbags are worn as belts and primarily protect the wearer from hip injuries caused by a fall. To work effectively, an airbag has to inflate faster than the falling speed of an elderly human.

Therefore, if a person takes a second to fall, the airbag has to inflate in a fraction of that one second. Most inflatable airbags take approximately 200 milliseconds to fully inflate during a fall.

Here’s a YouTube video that explains the process.

Are Inflatable Airbags Wearable?

Most inflatable airbag models are created to be worn 24 hours a day, especially those that are worn as belts. Therefore, they are designed to cause as minimal discomfort to the wearer as possible.

For one, they are super light in a way that the wearer will not feel their weight as they go through their day.

Also, most are small and inconspicuous so that the wearer does not feel awkward around people.

If anything, the wearer has the option of wearing the airbag under their clothes to keep it away from the public eye. This avoids the stigmatization that may come with it and affords the wearer the freedom to move around confidently.

Furthermore, inflatable airbags are very easy to use. They are ergonomically made so that they are easy to put on and fit well.

Most of the time, all one is required to do is buckle the belt, and you are ready to go.

What Are the Advantages of Inflatable Airbags?

Several devices in the market serve the same purpose as inflatable airbags.

An example of such is the hip protector. However, inflatable airbags have the edge over those others because of the reasons discussed below:

They are comfortable

Inflatable airbags are made in such a way that they do not interfere with the wearer’s daily activities at all. On top of being small and inconspicuous, they are also light enough that the wearer can have them on day and night without needing to take a break.

To this effect, they are more popular than hip protectors, which are comparatively less comfortable.

They are easy to use

These devices are extremely easy to use as they come assembled and ready to work.

The only thing you would be required to do is put them on, adjust accordingly, and buckle up. They automatically self-inflate when a person is falling.

Their covers are waterproof and easy to clean.

Older adults should be kept as clean as possible, especially because they are more susceptible to diseases at their age.

Fortunately, inflatable airbags come with covers that are easy to clean and maintain. Moreover, the covers are waterproof, so they do not get damp quickly.

They are reusable

You can use an inflatable airbag for more than just one time as they are reusable. Whenever it inflates during a fall, replace the gas cartridge and put it back on.

They help to reduce medical expenses.

It costs health care systems billions of dollars each year to treat elderly people who have suffered hip injuries sustained during falls.

Wearing airbags protects the femoral neck and, therefore, reduces hospital cases of injured elderly people.

This saves governments and individuals a lot of money that can be used elsewhere.

What To Look Out for When Buying an Inflatable Airbag

There are many types and models of inflatable airbags in the market today. Because of this, choosing the best one for you or your loved one may be challenging.

To make the process easier, there are factors that you ought to put into consideration:

Brand: Do your due diligence on the different brands that create inflatable airbags and what each of them offers. Ultimately, choose the brand that best fulfills your needs.

Ease of use: You want an inflatable airbag that will not give you a hard time putting on and operating. Fortunately, most inflatable airbags are pretty straightforward and require minimal effort from you.

All you would be required to do is adjust until it fits perfectly before buckling it up.

Comfort: Comfort is paramount when it comes to inflatable airbags, especially if it is to be worn the entire day. They should be light and inconspicuous so that the wearer does not feel awkward around people.

Furthermore, it is counterproductive for someone to strain a whole day while avoiding another uncomfortable situation.

Ease of Maintenance: Go for an inflatable airbag that will not give you a hard time keeping it in good condition. For one, it should be easy to clean.

So, it will be wise to get an inflatable that has a cover that you can remove and wash when the need arises.

Warranty: A warranty allows you to return a sub-standard product and get a replacement or have it repaired. The longer the warranty period, the better.

Some companies even offer refunds within a certain period if the product does not function as expected.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you reuse an inflatable airbag after falling?

Yes, you can. When you fall, the airbag automatically inflates itself.

Once this happens, you ought to replace the air cartridge, then reset the belt. You can use the airbag as many times as you want, provided you replace the air cartridge.

How much do inflatable airbags cost?

Inflatable airbags are pretty expensive, but for the value they bring, the cost is worth it. Most of them range between $600 and $2500. Within this range, you can go for one that best suits your budget.

Are inflatable airbags effective?

Absolutely. Provided the device is in good condition, it will protect the wearer from injuries when they fall.

The device inflates in good time and absorbs the impact, which would otherwise cause bone fractures.

In Conclusion

Elderly people tend to fall often because of their deteriorating physical strength and balance. When they fall, they also suffer serious injuries, especially hip structures.

Inflatable airbags protect them from these injuries by absorbing the impact of falling.

Most inflatable airbags are worn as belts. They are easy to use and maintain, as they are washable, and most are waterproof.

You can use an inflatable airbag more than once, provided you replace the air cartridge every time the airbag inflates.

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